To get a faster boot on our live systems, we need to get a boot profile (the access order to files contained in loopback). This will avoid CD drives to spin back-and-forth to get files that could have been nearer on the CD medium.
Some solutions
Readahead only (no need to regenerate the loopback)
- sort the access filelist according to their position in the compressed loopback
- drop this sorted filelist next to the loopback
- add a service that readaheads the loopback-position-sorted filelist
Loopback sort (and readahead)
This method adds optimization even if readahead is disabled (preferable on low-memory systems).
- regenerate loopback according to file access order
- optionnally do readahead, using the access-ordered filelist
What others are doing
They use inotify in their readahead-watch profiling program, but this requires to add a watch for all existing directories, and it maybe lose early events since it isn't run at startup.
- readahead-list
- Faster Boot Time and Optional Persistence
Accelerated Knoppix
Accelerated Knoppix patched the cloop module to add profiling code, which can be controlled using /proc.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump
gnome-startup (my favorite approach)
- Analyzing and Improving GNOME Startup Time
- syscall hijacking (catch all read events)
- Sysprof
Other tools
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