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Importing a CVS module

set -e
cvs2svn --dump-only --dumpfile=$MODULE.dump /mnt/BIG/cvs/cooker/soft/$MODULE/
scp $MODULE.dump kenobi:
svn mkdir -m "add /soft/$MODULE/" svn+ssh://$MODULE/
ssh kenobi "sudo svnadmin load --parent-dir /soft/$MODULE/ /mnt/BIG/svn < $MODULE.dump"

Importing a single file to an existing module

I first tried to use an empty trunk to import a single file, but doesn't work with an empty trunk path. There is a patch to add support of empty trunk path to cvs2svn.

The best solution is probably to export in trunk, and load in /soft/build_system/robot/, that the file finally gets imported in /soft/build_system/robot/trunk.

mkdir fake-Upload-module
cp /mnt/BIG/cvs/cooker/soft/bugs/bin/Upload,v fake-Upload-module
cvs2svn --trunk-only --dump-only --dumpfile=Upload.dump fake-Upload-module
ssh kenobi "sudo svnadmin load --parent-dir /soft/build_system/robot/ /mnt/BIG/svn < Upload.dump"

But svnadmin load will fail when trying to create /soft/build_system/robot/trunk.

So I exported using --trunk=Upload, imported it to /soft/build_system/robot/, moved the file to trunk, and deleted the useless module...

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Olivier Blin (2005)