Faster boot
- sort files in loopback, based on their access order
- readahead
urpmi sources for DVD media
- add urpmi sources after install if packages media are present on the live medium (to be done at end of draklive-install)
Save config on local media (Move-like)
- save live config on local medium (USB key, disk), three possible levels:
- save /home and /etc, ask for local medium location at end of finish-install, and create new unionfs mounts for both /home and /etc
- save whole /, ask for local medium location in stage1 (not really user friendly, maybe improve with fbmenu)
- save whole /, ask for local medium location at end of
finish-install, and modify the main unionfs mounts (only possible if unionctl allows to modify branches for the / mount, wasn't possible in 2006.0, maybe it's better with initramfs and switch_root)
- (3) is best if possible, (1) is easy, (2) would need more work
- a further step would be to allow to save config on a remote server (probably not for 2007.0)
- build bi-arch live systems (requires an isolinux program that can load a specific initrd based on the architecture)
More technical tasks
- use stage1 to load modules, and maybe mount loopbacks, instead of using a custom initrd with a brute force hardware detection
- clean draklive-install by integrating needed parts in the installer (wasn't done in 2006.0 because the installer code was frozen at the time the tool was written)
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