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This hardware applet (or more correctly helper) will notify hotplugged devices that require configuration, and allow the user to run the configuration tool.

It should use gnome-volume-manager and kde-volume-manager the most it can, and rely on standard HAL classes.

  • add harddrake-handled classes in HAL configuration files (/etc/hal)
  • generic case: make g-v-m and k-v-m run a wrapper tool for classes it doesn't handle (requires a patch in each of these volume-managers):
    • USB modems
    • USB/PCMCIA network/wireless cards
    • USB printers
    • USB scanners
  • prefer direct configuration of g-v-m and k-v-m when it handles a class (from above list), it's about specifying the wrapper tool path
  • display a notification icon with a notification buble from the wrapper
  • allow to remember per-device configuration choice
  • show a "Run tool?" popup with Yes/No buttons and a "Remember configuration" checkbox
  • provide a tool to manage list of automatically configured devices (merge in harddrake)

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blosxom Optimised for standards.
Olivier Blin (2005)