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To get a faster boot on our live systems, we need to get a boot profile (the access order to files contained in loopback). This will avoid CD drives to spin back-and-forth to get files that could have been nearer on the CD medium.

Some solutions

Readahead only (no need to regenerate the loopback)

  • sort the access filelist according to their position in the compressed loopback
  • drop this sorted filelist next to the loopback
  • add a service that readaheads the loopback-position-sorted filelist

Loopback sort (and readahead)

This method adds optimization even if readahead is disabled (preferable on low-memory systems).

  • regenerate loopback according to file access order
  • optionnally do readahead, using the access-ordered filelist

What others are doing


They use inotify in their readahead-watch profiling program, but this requires to add a watch for all existing directories, and it maybe lose early events since it isn't run at startup.

Accelerated Knoppix

Accelerated Knoppix patched the cloop module to add profiling code, which can be controlled using /proc.


echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump

gnome-startup (my favorite approach)

Other tools

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blosxom Optimised for standards.
Olivier Blin (2005)